
Click the “Time Traveling Through Food” heading above to return to the unit’s homepage.

Learn more about how other artists and makers are creating interactive stories about food and food traditions.
Click the icons below to explore...


And now reflect...

What food or food tradition did each maker explore?

How did they activate their writing? 
Imagine if the authors of these interactive stories had just typed out their texts on blank documents.
How would their stories change?

Did you explore those links? Go back to Step 1 and click on those links!!!!
Then come back to Step 2.

Take a moment to think...
How could your story (that you wrote in Section 4) change if you made it interactive?

What parts of your story do you want to highlight?
How can you use the imagery from your sculptures and your contributions to the group Aggie to illustrate and activate your story?

Now, sketch out how you are going to turn your already written text into an interactive story. You can write descriptions or storyboard what you would like to create. Find some tips on storyboarding here.

Click this image to engage with an interactive story in the form of a Twine:

Creator: Joya Assael
Title: The Day She Ate Her Home (Reimagined)
Date: 2023
This interactive artwork emphasizes the feeling of getting lost in our memories. Pages are linked multiple times, so it is easy to get stuck in a loop or lose your place in the story. This reflects the experience of taking a bite of a specific food and having multiple memories rush into your mind all at once. Just like in this interactive artwork, it takes some effort to parse your way through those memories in order to make sense of them. 

Choose a medium for your interactive story.
Will you be making a physical zine or a digital Twine?

Now you are going to create your interactive story.

Are you making a zine? Find some tips here, here, here, and here.
Are you making a Twine? Find some tips here, here, and here.

Share your interactive story with a friend or family member.
Share your work from this section (Section 4) on the Time Traveling Through Food Aggie.
What is Aggie??? Watch tutorials here and here.
You can do this by adding an illustration of your process, a snapshot of your notes, the link to your Twine or documentation of your zine, or any other way of sharing what you’ve done and thought about.

All emojis and icons found on https://emojipedia.org/ & https://www.pngwing.com/
and edited by Joya Assael.
Artwork and photograph information can be found on the page linked to the icon.