
Click the “Time Traveling Through Food” heading above to return to the unit’s homepage.

Give yourself (or a friend) feedback!

Feedback, critique, and reflection help us grow and learn. Please use the rubric below as a guide to assign yourself (or a friend) a number.

If you receive a 4-5, you have carefully and thoughtfully time traveled through food.

If you receive a 3, you have time traveled through food, but you could probably give a little more thought and care to your future projects. Take this 3 as a sign to push yourself even further next time!

If you receive a 0-2, you have chosen to not time travel through food. Take a moment to think...

Why didn’t you choose to engage with the project fully? If you felt that it didn’t interest you, did you take the time to try to find something within the project that you could connect with? How would you change the project to make it more relevant to you? Is there a time you could come back to the project to continue working on it? Will you return to this project next week? Next month? Next summer?

Send me an email with your thoughts!

All emojis and icons found on https://emojipedia.org/ & https://www.pngwing.com/
and edited by Joya Assael.
Artwork and photograph information can be found on the page linked to the icon.